Neonatal Screening Markers ELISA Kits are specialized assays used to detect and quantify specific biomarkers in newborns. These biomarkers are critical for early detection of various metabolic, genetic, and endocrine disorders. Neonatal screening helps in diagnosing conditions that may not be apparent at birth but could have significant health implications if left untreated.

Common Neonatal Screening Markers and Their ELISA Kits

  • Phenylalanine:
    • Disorder: Phenylketonuria (PKU)
    • Purpose: To measure phenylalanine levels, elevated in PKU, a genetic disorder that can cause intellectual disability if untreated.
  • Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH):
    • Disorder: Congenital Hypothyroidism
    • Purpose: To measure TSH levels, elevated in congenital hypothyroidism, which can lead to developmental delays and other health problems if not managed early.
  • Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) Protein:
    • Disorder: Cystic Fibrosis
    • Purpose: To detect the presence of CFTR protein or its abnormalities, helping in the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis.
  • 21-Hydroxylase:
    • Disorder: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)
    • Purpose: To measure 21-hydroxylase activity or levels, which are affected in CAH, a condition leading to hormone imbalances.

Key Steps in the Neonatal Screening ELISA Procedure

  • Sample/Standard Addition: Standards and samples are added to wells pre-coated with capture antibody.
  • Incubation: The plate is incubated to allow the biomarker to bind to the capture antibody.
  • Washing: Wells are washed to remove unbound materials and reduce background noise.
  • Detection Antibody Addition: A detection antibody specific to the biomarker is added, binding to the captured biomarker.
  • Washing: Excess detection antibody is removed by washing.
  • Enzyme Conjugate Addition: Enzyme-conjugated secondary antibody is added.


  • Early Diagnosis: Detecting genetic, metabolic, and endocrine disorders early in life to enable prompt treatment and management.
  • Public Health Screening: Implementing routine neonatal screening programs to identify at-risk newborns and prevent serious health outcomes.
  • Research: Studying the prevalence of various conditions in newborn populations and evaluating new diagnostic methods.

Important Considerations

  • Sensitivity and Specificity: Ensure the ELISA kit is highly sensitive and specific for the target marker to provide accurate results.
  • Sample Handling: Proper collection, storage, and handling of samples are crucial to prevent degradation of biomarkers and ensure accurate measurements.
  • Assay Conditions: Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully regarding incubation times, temperatures, and buffer compositions to ensure reliable results.
AffiELISA® Neonatal G6PD ELISA
Size: 1 Kit
342.50 342.5 USD
AffiELISA® Neonatal Biotinidase ELISA
Size: 1 Kit
342.50 342.5 USD
Size: 1 Kit
342.50 342.5 USD
AffiELISA® Neonatal Galactose ELISA - 96 test
Size: 1 Kit
247.50 247.5 USD
AffiELISA® Neonatal PKU ELISA - 96 test
Size: 1 Kit
247.50 247.5 USD
AffiELISA® Neonatal MSUD ELISA - 96 test
Size: 1 Kit
342.50 342.5 USD
342.50 342.5 USD
AffiELISA® Neonatal T4 ELISA - 96 test
Size: 1 Kit
247.50 247.5 USD
AffiELISA® Neonatal TSH ELISA - 96 test
Size: 1 Kit
247.50 247.5 USD